Transitional Housing


The transitional housing ministry of Timberline Church is one way we can share the love of Jesus to those experiencing a housing crisis.  Whether it is those who have been evicted or those forced to sleep in their car, our desire is to provide short term transitional housing at minimal cost.  We currently have one cabin with one bedroom that we are using to help meet that need.  We do not charge rent, but we do ask for payment for the cost of electricity.  We are not aware of any other providers of transitional housing in Southern Lancaster County.

Although we do not advertise, we average 1-2 inquiries per month requesting housing.  We are committed to using this one cabin for transitional housing and desire to make more cabins available for this ministry in the future.  Lois Nafziger, a cancer survivor and sister of the pastors, has ridden her bicycle across the continental US this spring to raise money to support this ministry.  Please visit her website at  If you are interested in helping us in this endeavor, please contact the church office. 


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